A Matter of Balance
A Matter of Balance in person or online is an award-winning class designed for those who have fallen or who have a fear of falling. Taking this free class will not only help participants view falls as controllable and make lifestyle changes to reduce falls, it will also increase their strength and balance. Participants will feel more confident when it comes to preventing falls and their consequences.
MOB Upcoming Classes Class Registration Form
What to Expect
Sessions include group conversation, problem solving, gentle physical exercise and assertiveness training. Participants learn to:
- View falls and fear of falling as controllable.
- Set goals for increasing physical activity.
- Change their environment to reduce fall risk factors.
- Promote exercise to build strength and balance.
- Prepare for what to do if they should fall.
Two volunteer coaches facilitate each class, and eight to twelve participants generally attend.
In-person classes meet at sites in the community such as senior centers, community rooms, or churches with room for small group interaction. In-person classes consist of eight two-hour sessions.
For online classes, a volunteer will be available to help participants connect to the class. Online classes consist of nine two-hour sessions. “Session 0” goes through online features and camera adjustments that participants use during class sessions.
Who Should Attend
A Matter of Balance classes are for older adults who are concerned about falls. Perhaps they have sustained a fall in the past or restrict activities because of concerns about falling. It is also for those who want to improve their flexibility, balance and strength. Participants need to be 60 or older, mobile (with or without the use of an assistive device such as a cane or a walker) and able to problem solve. Does A Matter of Balance sound like something you or someone you know may be interested in? View our schedule of upcoming classes and give us a call at (509) 777-1571 with your questions or to enroll!
What Participants are Saying
- “I am grateful this class is offered. This is a tremendous help to the community.”
- “I’ve become more aware of all my surroundings.”
- “I learned what I really needed for the future.”
- “I was amazed to learn how much feet & ankle strength & feeling contribute to balance.”
Want to Volunteer or Host a Class?
Aging & Long Term Care is always looking for volunteers to lead classes. If you are interested, please visit our volunteer page.
Interested in hosting a class? Give us call at (509) 777-1571.
Note: Classes are offered in Ferry, Spokane, Stevens, Pend Oreille, and Whitman Counties.