Preventing Falls

Falling is NOT a normal part of aging, and yet many older adults regularly deal with falls, near falls, and losses of balance. Nationwide, about 37% of falls tend to result in injury that restricts activity or requires medical treatment. This includes broken bones and brain trauma. Falls among older adults are the leading cause of injury-related hospitalizations and deaths in Spokane County according to the City of Spokane and Spokane Valley Fire Departments. The Spokane County Fire Department went on more than 10,00 calls related to falls in 2022.

You can take steps to prevent falls, stay involved in activities you enjoy, and remain independent.

Call us to learn more at (509) 777-1571. ALTCEW offers the following free options:

A Matter of Balance

“Many older adults experience a fear of falling. People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater. A Matter of Balance is a program designed to reduce the fear or falling and increase activity levels among older adults. It includes 8 two-hour sessions for a small group of 8-12 participants led by a trained facilitator.” – MaineHealth, the developers of A Matter of Balance.

A Matter of Balance



FallsTalk is a conversation with a trained facilitator about your recent experience with falls and losses of  balance. During a series of telephone calls, you become more aware and mindful of your specific balance circumstances. You can explore your ideas and options to increase your steadiness and safety. Generally, the process is completed within 6 weeks. At this point, you will have practiced a process that you can use to respond to losses of balance and to prevent falls well into your future.
